CC&L Diversified Income Fund


  • Globally diversified income portfolio of dividend paying equities and fixed income securities
  • Multi-manager approach, with specialty investment teams for each asset class
  • Total portfolio solution for investors seeking income, growth and stability


  • Cash Flow: Provide attractive and sustainable, tax-efficient yield
  • Capital Preservation: Deliver downside protection in volatile markets
  • Growth: Strive to grow capital to outpace inflation


  • Income: monthly
  • Capital gains: annual
Pie chart of Target Asset Allocation Pie chart of Target Asset Allocation

Quick Facts

Inception Date:
January 27, 2006

Fund Category
Global Diversified Income
Fund Code (A|F)
MPI 210 | MPI 220
Management Fee (A|F)
1.95% | 1.00%
2.86% | 1.81%
Minimum Investment
Subsequent Investment
Risk Level
Systematic Purchase

AUM data above is updated daily on all days that markets are open.

Portfolio Manager


Connor, Clark & Lunn (Canada) Ltd. is an investment manager primarily focused on managing multi‐asset portfolios for institutional investors. Our affiliated sub‐advisors offer innovative solutions that recognize the evolving needs and challenges of investors and adapt to market dynamics. We deliver a streamlined investor experience and provide access to a bespoke mix of traditional and alternative investments.


Class or Currency

As of June 28, 2024 6 months YTD 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception
CC&L Diversified Income Fund - Series F 3.33% 3.33% 5.99% 1.60% 3.89% 6.12%


Class or Currency

As of December 29, 2023 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
CC&L Diversified Income Fund - Series F 5.74% -8.77% 8.82% 8.18% 12.37%

Inception Date

CC&L Diversified Income Fund - Series A : January 27, 2006

CC&L Diversified Income Fund - Series F : January 27, 2006

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The indicated rate[s] of return is [are] the historical annual compounded total return[s] including changes in [share or unit] value and reinvestment of all [dividends or distributions] and does [do] not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

Fund performance is stated net of all management and performance fees and after trading and operating expenses. For more information on fund performance, please contact us at[email protected].

Source: Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group Ltd.

The above information is provided for your convenience. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of data presented on our website, it should not be relied upon as an official book of record.

Current Net Asset Value

Class or Currency

Date Class Price Change Change
July 5, 2024 F $15.7604 $0.0115 0.07%

Historical Net Asset Values



Class or Currency

Date Class Price Change Change
July 4, 2024 F $15.7489 -$0.0023 -0.01%
July 3, 2024 F $15.7512 $0.0558 0.36%
July 2, 2024 F $15.6954 $0.0138 0.09%
June 28, 2024 F $15.6816 -$0.035625 -0.23%
June 27, 2024 F $15.7447 $0.0357 0.23%
June 26, 2024 F $15.709 -$0.0296 -0.19%
June 25, 2024 F $15.7386 -$0.0067 -0.04%
June 24, 2024 F $15.7453 $0.0695 0.44%
June 21, 2024 F $15.6758 $0.0002 N/A
June 20, 2024 F $15.6756 -$0.0052 -0.03%


Source: Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group Ltd.

The above information is provided for your convenience. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of data presented on our website, it should not be relied upon as an official book of record.


Annual Proxy votes


Annual Management Report of Fund Performance (MRFP)


Interim Management Report of Fund Performance (MRFP)


Annual Financial Statements*


Interim Financial Statements*


Simplified Prospectus


Portfolio Disclosure


Press Release


Fund Fact Sheets

CC&L Diversified Income Fund Series A


CC&L Diversified Income Fund Series F


CC&L Diversified Income Fund Series I


CC&L Diversified Income Fund Series O


CC&L Diversified Income Fund Series Arbor


CC&L Diversified Income Fund Series Reserve


*In order to comply with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (“IESBA”) Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, the auditor of CC&L Funds, KPMG LLP, is required to publicly disclose the audit and non-audit fees, on an annual basis, charged to public interest entities.

In connection with the audits of the financial statements of the public interest entities managed by CC&L Funds for the year ended December 31, 2023, the following fees (excluding applicable taxes) were paid or payable to KPMG LLP: $178,101 for audits of financial statements and $82,215 for other services.

CC&L Funds Inc.
August 9th, 2022